Customers` Favorites
“Allow the boast: I have savored pizza Napolitano in Sorrento and Naples, but you need go no further than Lamont, Florida and the "Flatwoods Cafe" to find better. "Deliziosa," it were, and with a crust "perfetto." But so also was everything else, the "Buffalo wings" worth going to bed with, and the fresh salad, too. Oh, delightful mess, but there are plenty of napkins and the sheets wash. And as for the service...Christina, Anita, and toss in even Steven, the easy mannered owner, it could not have been more pleasant, no matter where. My only recommendation might be to suggest a complimentary finger bowl of water, perhaps with one floating rose petal, to help mop up your face and fingers. But of course that may just be me, a messy eater in direct proportion to my enjoyment of the meal. And anyway, my wife did not mind when I dipped a corner of my napkin into her Chardonnay for the purpose. She is, thank Heaven, used to me.“
Customers` Favorites
“some good stuff and convenient at most stores I love it“