Species X Beer Project is a unique and intriguing brewery, known for its innovative and unconventional beer selection. The concept of science and experimentation is evident in their brewing process. The Darw1n sours are a standout, being some of the best fruited sours available. Staff are friendly and the atmosphere is welcoming. While food is not the main focus, it looks appetizing. The space-themed decor adds to the overall unique experience. A must-visit for beer enthusiasts when in Columbus.
Species X Beer Project is a unique and intriguing brewery, known for its innovative and unconventional beer selection. The concept of science and experimentation is evident in their brewing process. The Darw1n sours are a standout, being some of the best fruited sours available. Staff are friendly and the atmosphere is welcoming. While food is not the main focus, it looks appetizing. The space-themed decor adds to the overall unique experience. A must-visit for beer enthusiasts when in Columbus.